Transmedia Storytelling Learning Method
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Jules Verne School producing Viral Learning
"A mi no me califica el maestro, me evalúa el mundo"
"Transformando el memorizar en recordar"
lunes, 7 de abril de 2014
Asamblea Wizard of Oz
Empezarán cantando Somewhere over the rainbow
Narrator/Hanna: Dorothy lived in the great Kansas prairies. One day uncle Henry shouted a cyclone is coming and everybody has to run to the cellar.
Dorothy carries Toto and runs in circles, leaves Toto on the floor and covers her ears, dorothy laid down on the floor and closed her eyes.
Wich of the North/Izzy: I'm the witch of the North, thank you for killing the bad witch.
Duende/ Isabella B: we represent the lullaby league and in the name of the... Duende 2/ Sofia: Lullaby League we wish to welcome you to the Munchkin Land!
Dorothy/ Isa R: You are very kind, but I have not killed anhthing.
W.of North/ Izzy: your house did and it's the same!! See! Duende 3/ David: there are two toes!! (Dorothy se espanta y grita)
Narrator/ Hanna: in all the Land of Oz, there were only four witches, two of them, are good witches, and those who live in the east and west are not good.
Dorothy/ Isa R recoge los zapatos
W. Of North/Izzy: you must go to Emerald city perhaps Oz will help you.
Dorothy/Isa R: How can I get there?
W. Of North/ Izzy: Follow the yellow brick road.
(Se pone los zapatos y camina hasta que se sienta a descansar y ve al espantapájaros)
Scarecrow/Leo: Good day
Dorothy/ Isa: can't you get down?
Scarecrow/Leo: no! Who are you?
Dorothy/ Isa: I'm Dorothy and I'm going to the Emerald City to see the great Wizard of Oz. Do you know him?
Scarecrow/Leo: Noo! I have no brain at all. If I go with you to the great Oz would he give me some brain?
Dorothy/Isa: I don't know, let's try
( se encuentra el hombre de hojalata parado y Dorothy lo ve sorprendida)
Dorothy/Isa: What was that?
Tin man/Eduardo: please get an oil can and oil all my joints, they are rusted I cannot move at all.( dorothy le pone aceite)
Tin man/ Eduardo: You certainly saved my life. Where do you go?
Dorothy/Isa: We go to the Emerald city, because I want to go back home.
Scarecrow/Leo: I want a brain into my head!
Tin man/ Eduardo: Do you think Oz could give me a heart?
Scarecrow/Leo: Sure, come along with us! (Se van caminado)
Narrator/Hanna: They walked through the thick woods and a big lion appears.
El león salta e inmediatamente se agacha con miedo.
Dorothy/ Isa: You are big coward.
Lion/ Dario: Iknow it, the king of the beasts shouldn't be a coward. It is my great sorrow and makes my life very unhappy.
Scarecrow/ Leo: I'm going to the great Oz to ask him for a brain.
Tin man/Eduardo: I'm going to ask him for a heart!
Dorothy/ Isa R: I'm going to ask him to send Toto and me back to Kansas
Lion/Dario: Do you think Oz could give me courage?
( los tres mueven la cabeza diciendo que si y se van tomados del brazo, dando pasos dobles y cantando We are off to see the Wizard.
Guard/ Oscar: What do you want in the Emerald city?
Dorothy/Isa: We want to see the great Oz
Guard 2/Adrian: He is powerful and terrible
Scarecrow/ Leo: We have been told Oz is a good wizard
Guard2/Adrian: Ok. Let's see him
Oz/Alex: (señala a Dorothy) Who are you and Why do you want to see me?
Dorothy/Isa: I'm Dorothy and I want to go back to Kansas
Scarecrow/ Leo: I have no brain and I beg you to put a brain in my head. Please!
Tin man/ Eduardo: I have no heart and I beg you to give me a heart!!
Lion/ Dario: I am a cowardly lion and I beg you to give me courage
Oz/Alex: Ok, I will help you but first you have to finish with the witch of the West.
Se van caminando a buscar a la bruja del Oeste y al encontrarla le dicen.
Dorothy/ Isa R.: We were looking for you.
Scarecrow/Leo: think that you are not a good person.
Tin man / Eduardo: you don't have good fellings.
Lion / Dario: Stop!!!!! Don't get closer!!!!!
En ese momento el leon busca con que defenderse y lo único que encuentra es una cubeta con agua, la cual se la avienta al publico. (Será una cubeta llena de papeles).
Narrator / Hanna: They were surprised to see the witch of the West was melted with the water.
Regresan todos a ver al mago de Oz.
El mago de Oz se acerca al espantapájaros y le mueve la cabeza de un lado a otro.
Oz/Alex: You'll be a great man. You have a new brain
Scarecrow/Leo: thank you
Se acerca al hombre de hojalata les pone la mano en el pecho.
Oz/Alex: here is you heart
Tin man/Eduardo: thank you
Se acerca al león con un vaso y le da a beber
Oz Alex: drink! How do you feel now?
Lion: Strong, thank you
Dorothy se acerca a Oz y le dice
Dorothy/Isa: Please help me!!
Oz/Alex: I can't help you but I think Glinda can
Dorothy/Isa: Who?
Guardian/ Oscar: the witch of the South, she might know how to help you!
Salen a buscar a Glinda la bruja del Sur y cuando la encuentran
Glinda/ Aitana: What can I do for you?
Dorothy/Isa: Please, send me back to Kansas
Glinda/ Aitana: The ruby shoes have wonderful powers all you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and close your eyes and you will be at home. (Choca los zapatos y todos le dicen adios)
Narrator/ Hanna: Dorothy came back home with her aunt and uncle. She was happy and also everyone in Oz Land.
Al final bailarán todos la música The Merry old land of Oz
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